I think my daughter is proudest of her awards for art. We stick all her awards on a wall near the kitchen so they can be admired at every opportunity, but I’ve noticed that when she’s showing off to the grandparents, it’s always the art awards that get the first mention.
And a beautiful note of pride creeps into her voice as she talks about it. It warms my heart.
I guess art is something that comes from within, far more so than ABCs and 123s. Of course kids learn skills in art just as they learn to read and write, but there’s still that notion of creating something, throwing your imagination onto the page, laying bare your soul that is a whole lot more personal.
And I think kids know just as well as adults do.
Art is critical to every kid’s development. Governments may disagree and cut back funding for art and music at every opportunity, but every teacher knows the importance of art in any curriculum. As American writer Henry Miller said, “Art teaches nothing – except the significance of life.”
Trouble is, my daughter’s art award that’s stuck on the wall near the fridge, is not a shining example of artistic excellence in itself. It’s a black and white photocopy with a tacky bit of microsoft standard clipart on it. I applaud the school for even having a program of art awards, but… I thought it might be helpful to create a suite of art awards that are quick and easy to run off on the colour photocopier, and don’t have the merest bit of el-cheapo clipart on them anywhere!
This pack of 4 art awards is downloadable and printable in minutes. They’re A5 size and can be printed 2 up on an A4 sheet to minimise waste. They’ll look great printed on a light card, and even better printed on gloss. They come in PDF and JPG formats, and once they’re yours you can print them over and over again.
We think they’ll be appreciated by kids from Kindergarten to Year 12, and they’re bound to inspire the budding artists in your classroom.
Visit our online store to grab your set now.