Meet our friend, Koala.
We decided that positive behavioural programs for learning become much more engaging if there is a ‘face’ or a ‘character’ that children can identify with. Ideally, kids will see this character in numerous places around the classroom or school, whether that’s on posters in the classroom or corridors, or on good behaviour awards or tickets, or on their desk layout.
This repetition really helps the message sink in and, with a bit of luck, the character will become an important part of school life, and maybe even in later years, a really fond memory.
We’ve designed Koala to fit into this program. He’s friendly, kinda cheeky, adorable and an Australian icon.
At the moment Koala features on his own brand new set of classroom awards. There are four awards in the series – you get all of them the download package – which encourages kids to ‘collect the set’.
We have big plans to add Koala to his own range of safe, respectful learner posters, as well as some leadership awards.
Of course, we also offer all the Koala clipart as a download package. You can then add Koala to any material you use around the school – your own signage, notes home, work sheets, whatever.
We want Koala to become an integral part of your SRL or PB4L programs. And he’s just itching to join in the fun. You’re not going to see this Koala snoozing on the job!
Visit our store to grab your cuddly Koala now.