Almost all schools across Australia and New Zealand, as well as the UK, US,  Canada and South Africa, have some kind of code of positive behaviour in place.

A consistent, school-wide system of support that helps define, teach and support appropriate student behaviours helps create a positive school environment.

A lot of it is common sense, and common decency – the kind of things you’ve probably been teaching your students for years. But when government departments suddenly give these concepts acronyms, you know you’re in for a whole lot of paperwork.

A school-wide system (whether it’s called SRL, PBL, SWPBS or whatever) needs clear and consistent messages that can be delivered to students across all aspects of student life. From signage in playgrounds and corridors, to  inspirational posters in the classrooms, to awards recognising positive behaviour.

Arranging and coordinating all these things can be an enormous task.

We aim to help make the job just a little bit easier.

At either the individual teacher level, or at a school wide level, our products can be integrated into an existing positive behaviour management plan and complement the hard work already carried out by teachers implementing the new requirements.

We also aim to make PBL a bit more colourful, fun and exciting for the kids.

You can browse through our products in our online store. Our packages are very cheaply prices and are quick and easy to print. Alternatively, we can print hard copies and deliver them to your school. Contact us for a quote.

We also have a blog and a facebook page. Please come on by, like us, and share some links with your friends! Keep an eye out on our facebook page for regular specials and discounts.

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